8. Corrosion

Environmentally-assisted cracking of stainless steels in light water reactors

Corrosion problems affecting steam generator tubes in commercial water-cooled nuclear power plants

Steam-water cycle chemistry relevant to nuclear steam generators

Environmental degradations in PWR steam generators

Substantiation of FAC rate and service life estimation under operation control data

Corrosion and Stress Corrosion Cracking of Austenitic Stainless Steels

Environmentally assisted cracking (EAC) in nuclear reactor systems and components

Corrosion issues in water-cooled water-moderated energetic reactor (WWER) systems

Corrosion-Resistant Materials

Understanding and mitigating corrosion in nuclear reactor systems

Flow accelerated corrosion (FAC) in nuclear power plant components

Overview of nuclear materials and nuclear corrosion science and engineering

Long-term trends in the corrosion state and surface properties of the stainless steel tubes of steam generators decontaminated chemically in VVER-type nuclear reactors

Comparative electrochemical study of 08H18N10T, AISI 304 and AISI 316L stainless steels

Comprehensive investigation of the corrosion state of the heat exchanger tubes of steam generators. Part II. Chemical composition and structure of tube surfaces

Comprehensive investigation of the corrosion state of the heat exchanger tubes of steam generators. Part I. General corrosion state and morphology

Simulation of corrosion product activity for nonlinearly rising corrosion on inner surfaces of primary coolant pipes of a typical PWR under flow rate transients

Kinetic study of corrosion product activity in primary coolant pipes of a typical PWR under flow rate transients and linearly increasing corrosion rates

Corrosion behaviour of stainless steel surfaces formed upon chemical decontamination

Corrosion characteristics and mechanisms of typical Ni-based corrosion-resistant alloys in sub- and supercritical water

Thermodynamics-based design strategy for optimizing strength and ductility of Cr-Ni-Mn-Fe medium-entropy alloys

Determination of conditions leading to localized corrosion initiation on UNS S32100 (AISI 321) stainless steels in nuclear power plant environments

Aqueous Corrosion of Stainless Steels

A study on the corrosion behaviour of stainless steel 08Cr18Ni10Ti in supercritical water

Stress Corrosion Cracking of Current Structural Materials in Commercial Nuclear Power Plants

Study of the influence of long-term high-temperature operation on the structure and properties of austenitic chromium-nickel-molybdenum steel

Accumulation of radioactive corrosion products on steel surfaces of VVER type nuclear reactors. I. 110mAg

Accumulation of radioactive corrosion products on steel surfaces of VVER-type nuclear reactors. II. 60Co

Finite element calculation of crack propagation in type 304 stainless steel in diluted sulphuric acid solutions