7. Welds

Analysis of thermal embrittlement of a low alloy steel weldment using fracture toughness and microstructural investigations

Analysis of damaged welds no. 111 in the PGV-1000 steam generator and damage repair proposals

Modelling of Phased Array Ultrasonic Inspection of a Steam Generator Dissimilar Metal Weld

Brittle fracture analysis of Dissimilar Metal Welds

Fracture toughness of austenitic welded joints

Corrosion and mechanical strength of NPP material welded joints

Structural aspects of the environmentally assisted cracking of WWER 440 dissimilar weld joints

Some approaches to the evaluation of permissible defects in welds of equipment and piping for NPP with PWR and FBR

Toughness and fatigue properties of stainless steel submerged arc weld cladding overlay and significance of postulated flaws in the cladding overlay

Mechanism of microstructure evolution and grain growth in friction stir welding of AA6061-T6 and AISI304 in air and water media

Evaluation of thermal aging activation energies based on multi-scale mechanical property tests for an austenitic stainless steel weld beads

Atom Probe Studies of the Fe–Cr System and Stainless Steels Aged at Intermediate Temperature

Fracture toughness of welded joints materials for main pipelines at Ignalina NPP

Low temperature thermal aging of austenitic stainless steel welds: Kinetics and effects on mechanical properties

Irradiation-induced structural changes in surveillance material of VVER 440-type weld metal

Re-embrittlement behaviour of VVER-440 reactor pressure vessel weld material after annealing

APT characterization of high nickel RPV steels